Specialties since 2006
Basic direction:
These sides are one information and advertising platform of BMS-Food Co., Ltd. and should serve to the detailed description of our offer.
1. Content of the online-offer:
The author adopts no assurance for the topicality, correctness, wholeness or quality of the appropriated information. Liability-claims against the author, which refer to damages of material or ideal type, that through the utilization or not-utilization of the offered information, respectively through the utilization of faulty and incomplete information was caused it is in principle impossible provided no demonstrably wilful or grossly negligent fault is available on the part of the author. All offers are subject to change and not binding. The author keeps it itself expressly before, to change parts of the sides or the entire offer without separate announcement, to supplement, to delete or to put in the publication at times or finally.
2. Referrals and left:
With direct or indirect referrals on foreign websites (link), that lie outside the area of responsibility of the author, a liability-obligation would step exclusively in the case in strength, in which the author of the contents has knowledge and would be technically possible and reasonable it him, to prevent the utilization in the case of illegal contents. The author explains therefore expressly that the corresponding joined sides were freely to the time of the link-establishment from illegal contents. The author has no influence on the current and future formation and on the contents of the joined sides. Therefore, he dissociates himself from all contents of all joined hereby expressly/ joined sides that were changed after the link establishment. This observation is applied to finished within the own internal seaweed delivery man sedate left and referrals as well as for strangely entries in visitor books furnished by the author, discussion forums and maillists. For illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and alone the supplier of the side, on which was referred, is liable especially for damages, that originate from the utilization or not-utilization of this sort offered information, not the one, that over left on the respective publication merely refers.
3.Copyright and Trademarks:
The author is striving to heed the copyrights of the applied charts, sound sequences, video sequences and texts in all publications to use even constructed charts, sound sequences, video sequences and texts from him or to fall back on license free charts, sound sequences, video sequences and texts. All within the internal-seaweed-delivery man named and if necessary through third parties protected brands – and trademarks is fully subject to the regulations of the in each case valid mark-right and the rights of possession of the respective registered owners. On the basis of the bare designation alone, the end is not to be pulled that trademarks are not protected through third party rights! The copyright for published, from the author himself constructed objects remains with the author of the sides alone. A duplication or application of such charts, soundsequences, videosequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is allowed not without express consent of the author.
4.Protection of data privacy:
Provided within the internal-seaweed-delivery man the possibility to the input of personal or commercial data, enamel-addresses, names, addresses, exists, so the abandonment of these data takes place on the part of the user on specifically voluntary basis. The demand and payment of all offered services is generally technically possibly and reasonably also without statement of such data, respectively under statement of depersonalized data or a pseudonym allows.Heed please, that you must declare no identifying information when using our website, unless, you decide on a purchase.In order to buy over our website merchandise, or, to use interrelated service performances with it, basic information is required, as your name, your telephone number, your e-mail-address and additional information, that are required to the confirmation of a purchase.
5.Validity of these disclaimers:
This disclaimer is to be viewed as part of the internal-seaweed-delivery man, from which from on this side was referred. Provided not parts or individual formulations of this text of the current legal status, no longer or not completely should correspond to, the remaining parts of the document remain untouched in her content and her validity of it.
6.General conditions hints:
All rights on design and content lie with BMS-Food Co., Ltd. A linking on our side is generally allowed.The takeover of contents needs our consent.
All texts, pictures and others on the website published works is subject to provided marked nothing other the copyright of BMS-Food Co., Ltd. Each publication, storage, transmission, program and again respectively passing on of the contents is without written authorization of BMS-Food Co., Ltd. expressly forbidden.